
'From Cider Country To The Big Apple' has its first Super Fan!

Since arriving back in Bristol I having been lucky enough to spend time meeting with friends and telephoning my family who live slightly further afield. Last night it was the turn of my Auntie & Uncle who reside in Plymouth.  I was over the moon to hear that my Uncle had been following my blog religiously, and not only that, he had even 'Google Earthed' where I live in Brooklyn, as well as checking out the infamous Bait & Tackle (which I am missing greatly!). I want to say thank Uncle R for keeping up with the English Gals goings-ons and I'm so pleased you like my photos! If only I had a super fan badge to send you! 

Thank you to everyone else who checks in to read my blog. I really enjoy writing and it is a real impetus to keep my photography going!

Stayed tuned as this week I'm heading to Marbs with my gals! 


Howdy Partner!

First and foremost I would like to wish the lovely Miss Auntie Charlie Wyatt a very Happy Birthday! See you soon in K-town! 

So, yesterday I visited my friends for lunch at the farm, but what was going to be a leisurely al fresco luncheon turned into a bit of a party! (The cowboys hats were to undoubtedly to blame for such shenanigans, once they were out there was no stopping us!)


'The White One'

It was a lovely afternoon, great food, great music, great surroundings & great friends! 



English Gal is back on English Soil

As you probably know by now I am back! I landed at Heathrow on Wednesday morning and was greeted my gorgeous gal in full movie scene style - we ran towards each other and had a huge teary hug with everyone in the background starring at us!

In order to combat the jet lag I thought it best to stay awake all day and go to bed on English time; this was helped very much by the consumption of multiple cocktails which commenced at lunch time!

My gorgeous girlies and er...Nev! 

Back with my girlies (and also doing a very good impression of Wallace!) 


Homeward Bound

My photos have come down, my bags are packed and in 12 hours I will be hopping on a plane and flying back across the pond to that place I call home. 

I spent my last night in Manhattan and had a lovely meal with my friend Catherine; it was a vegetarians paradradise washed down with a glass of the fizzy stuff. 


My photos wrapped and ready to go to their new owners. 

Although I will be returning to this incredibly city, I feel it necessary to say thank you to a few people that have made the last 3 months extra special. Thank you to Barry, Karin and the entire Bait Tackle Crew for being so awesome and welcoming and letting me hold my exhibition in the coolest pub ever. Thank you to the staff from Baked for copious amounts of free coffee. Thank to Agnes from the bakery section in Fairway for always having a smile on your face (yes, I the celiac befriended the lady from the bakery isle). Thank you to the guy that gave his number on a napkin (I didn't think that kind of thing actually happened) and the Scottish guy that asked me for directions and half an hour later we were still talking . Thank you to the people at the Fig and Olive restaurant that gave me a free cocktail on my birthday and the staff from the Oyster Restaurant who gave me, the now infamous, lobster bib (that bad boy is coming home with me!). Thank you to my (drinking) partner in crime Caitlin and her loveable roommate for having me to lunch at Google. Thank you to Dave for letting me take photos in his Grandfathers incredible apartment on the Upper West Side, some of which made it into the exhibition. Thank you to Joe for introducing me to Angie, another friend made in NYC. Thank you to Catherine for being so lovely and sharing my last night in NYC with me. Thank you to Jane & Hope for being awesome neighbours at work and always around for a chat. And last but not least thank you to the little family of 3 that has had me as an honorary member for the last 3 months and allowed me to experience this awesome city, it has been a crazy, fun ride. 

Now I must go and say the last of my goodbyes, do my last shop in Fairway and try grab my last free coffee from Baked! ;-) 


From Cider Country to the Big Apple...and Back?

So, in 4 days I will be leaving the Big Apple and flying back across the pond to Cider Country, aka my beloved Bristol. However I do have some news....I will be returning to NYC in September for English Gal in New York: Part Deux! My flights are booked! 

I realise I've been somewhat slack on the photo front recently but that's only because of my photography exhibition at B&T which is still in full swing. I've sold 6 photos so far (and been bought copious amounts of G&T's) so very pleased. Hopefully this will be the first of many exhibitions to come! :) 

Maybe I'll find it in NYC? 