

Unlike us more resevered English folk who would rather sit at home with the door locked and the lights switched off, the Americans like to celebrate halloween in style, go big or go home as they say! 

So after nearly a month of trying to avoid tripping over pumkpins and walking into hanging skeletons,  the 31st Ocotber is finally upon us. This evening I shall be doning a wig, cracking open the fake blood and pasting copious amounts black and white make up onto my face, (although after a few consequtive late nights at the BnT I think I look pretty scary enough with out the help of face paint!). I shall then been lemming like and follow the corwds  into Manhattan to take part in the annual halloween parade  (I anticipate a rather interest subway ride to the starting point!). Last year it was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy, so this year its back with a vengeance. 

No doubt I will end up back in the BnT if only to admire and laugh at all the regulars in their fancy dress costumes. 

I'm sure I will have a plethera of random spooky photos to share with you in the morning! 

Happy Halloween! 


Big Birthday Hugs to Big Sis!

Happy Birthday Big Sis! 

Thank you for being the best sister a girl good have! Have a truly wonderful day! Speak later!  Love you x


Happy Birthday Miss Rochford!

Happy Birthday to one of my lovely and beautiful gals back home! I hope you have a wonderful day and looking forward to sharing a bleated birthday cocktail in 3 weeks! I'm thinking Thai Daquri's all round! 


Manhattan Monday and A Bit of Banksy

I realise it's now Friday however it has taken me this long to sit down for 5 mins to write this. Manhattan Monday (as I'm now calling it) was a bit of a was wash out, metaphorically and literally. I was a drowned rat by lunch time and the things I had planned didn't quite go to plan.   One the plus side I did get to have a chat with my wonderful big Sis and Papa whilst sheltering from the down pours.




One of the things that I wanted to do whislt in Manhatan was to trek down the Banksy's, however I only managed to find one. If you have been livign in a culturl black whole for the last couple of weeks then check this out and all will become clear: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24464663

"This is My New York Accent...Normally I Write Like This.'

Another of my plans was to go to the Guggenheim but when I go there I discovered that half of it was closed as they were installing a new exhibit. I still had a look round and managed to convince them that I was a student and got a cheaper ticket!

Banksy came to Red Hook!! (I'm not gona lie, I did feel a little start struck to this this so close to home! Very exciting!)

Well thats all for now, better go and eat my porridge!



I forgot to mention that I saw Norah Jones play live at Sunnys (my second favourite bar in Red Hook),  last weekend. I apologise for the awful lighting and picture quality but it is her I promise!


I think I also forgot to mention that I'm jetting off to Las Vegas this afternoon!! :)


Row Row Row Your Boat!

I had a lovely day yesterday in Manhattan with Caitlin.  We treated ourselves to a very lovely lunch at Eatly. It was wonderful and somewhere I wanted to eat for a while so I 'm glad I finally made it. I had Golden Sea Bass on a bed of slow roasted eggplant (aubergine), zucchini (courgette) and mushrooms. It was delicious.  Of course, it wouldn't have been a real treat unless it was washed down with a nice cold glass of Prosecco! 

The Prosecco was so good, that we asked the waiter if we could take a snap of the bottle.......

He informed us that they sold the Prosseco next door in their accompanying food store - how splendid! So what did we do after lunch..?  You guessed it, we went next door, bought the bottle Processco, nicked some plastic cups and went row boating! 

Action shot!

After a fun filled afternoon we returned to Red Hook, met up with some friends and had Gin and Tonics around the open log fire.  A lovely end to a lovely day! 

We forgot the marshmallows!!