
Manhattan Monday and A Bit of Banksy

I realise it's now Friday however it has taken me this long to sit down for 5 mins to write this. Manhattan Monday (as I'm now calling it) was a bit of a was wash out, metaphorically and literally. I was a drowned rat by lunch time and the things I had planned didn't quite go to plan.   One the plus side I did get to have a chat with my wonderful big Sis and Papa whilst sheltering from the down pours.




One of the things that I wanted to do whislt in Manhatan was to trek down the Banksy's, however I only managed to find one. If you have been livign in a culturl black whole for the last couple of weeks then check this out and all will become clear: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-24464663

"This is My New York Accent...Normally I Write Like This.'

Another of my plans was to go to the Guggenheim but when I go there I discovered that half of it was closed as they were installing a new exhibit. I still had a look round and managed to convince them that I was a student and got a cheaper ticket!

Banksy came to Red Hook!! (I'm not gona lie, I did feel a little start struck to this this so close to home! Very exciting!)

Well thats all for now, better go and eat my porridge!



I forgot to mention that I saw Norah Jones play live at Sunnys (my second favourite bar in Red Hook),  last weekend. I apologise for the awful lighting and picture quality but it is her I promise!


I think I also forgot to mention that I'm jetting off to Las Vegas this afternoon!! :)

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