
My Week So Far in Photos

Here's what I've been up to over the last few days...

Manhattan Monday:

I wonder how many Pumpkin Pies they will make? Pumpkin stall at the Farmers Market at Union Square.

The Flatiron Building shining in the sun. 

Just in case you didn't realise! 

The most magical train station in the world - Grand Central.

Central Park

Row Boat Lake 

The Boat House 

Aw, what a lovely way of proposing - (I hope she said yes!)

Bubble Man

The afternoon sun on the rooftop of the Met. I stayed for hours. 

Bubble Tea Tuesday: 

The Water Taxi - the very same that pulled up outside the apartment in my last post.

The Manhattan Bridge 

Bubble Tea - My latest discovery and a must try if you haven"t already!

A spot of late night laundry with Caitlin - I go on all the best dates!

A few words of poetry from the ever wise and thoughtful Bait & Tackle Crew.


Not much to report, except that my friend very sweetly hand delivered some succotash to me at my desk; a new lunchtime favourite.



The Colours of The Sky and The Taste of Gin.

I'm back on the gin band wagon, however I feel it prudent to inform you that it is through no fault of my own, except for being a caring citizen of the community. Let me tell you what happened...so, this is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside-down, and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there and I'll tell you how I became the....oh no wait, I'm not Will Smith..wrong story...hang on! ;) Here's what really happened....yesterday evening, as I was about to leave work, I discovered an iPhone on the sidewalk. Instead of flogging it on eBay (or down at the Bait and Tackle), I decided to look through the phonebook in order to try and find its owner.  I called 'Mom' and 'Home' but had no response so I tucked it away in the safe and headed off my hot date (*cough*).  The next morning the iPhone rang so I answered it and it was the owners wife; after a quick chat she said she would be in to collect later in the day. When she turned up she gave me an envelope and inside was a voucher for Dry Dock, the liquor store just down the road! On my previous visit, as my long standing readers will know, I was done a good job of working my way through their selection of Gins! On my way home this evening I happened to walk passed Dry Dock, and for fear of loosing the gift voucher I thought it best to go and spend it straight away just to be on the safe side! So you see, the fact that I am currently sat with a G&T in my hand really isn't my fault! ;)

I was hoping to drink my G&T on the roof and raise a glass to Lady Liberty but I nearly got blown over upon getting out the lift so I decided to retreat back downstairs. 

This is my current view....

Now the NYC Water Taxi has just turned up...

The best thing about the evenings drawing in are the colours of the sky. They are so beautiful; all the different shades of blues and turquoise through to pinks and oranges.

So tomorrow (Monday) I am off into the Manhattan! Yay! Hopefully I'll have an array off pics and the odd anecdote to show and tell from my day out in the big city! 

The beautiful colours have now faded from the sky and all that remains are the golden lights form Staten Island and the Verrazano Bridge. 

Good Night x


My First Week Back in NYC

Good Evening Guys and Dolls! (Or good morning as I suspect most of you will be reading this from merry old England).

I apologise for the radio silence but please don't worry, I am still alive (although only just after suffering a flu/cold this past week). 

Anyhow, let me tell you my goings-on during my first week back in The Big Apple.....

So having a cold did bring one benefit - I discovered a new version of a hot toddy and it was delicious! Just what the doctor ordered! I'm not going to disclose the recipe but I will let you know the secret ingredient - Tabasco Sauce! 

Sadly I am no longer writing to you from my beloved 7 year old 17" MAc Book Pro. I grew rather attched to my trusty laptop as it had seen me through Uni, my first job, my first flat and my first leg in NYC, but sadly it has given up the ghost and no doubt would be classed as an antique by the super geeky dudes down at the Apple store. Maybe I should put it on a plinth in a glass jar and call it Art. This evening I am tapping away to you on my new, super chic and shiny MacBook Air. So far, so good!

This week I have discovered, but not partaken in, 'seed bombing'. At first I thought this was a somewhat ridiculous activity, but having seen the result its actually quite sweet. As I understand it, its when you sprinkle seeds around in public place so that flowers/plants grown in random places - a rather eonviromantally friendly form of graffitiit. This evening I discovered a tomato plant growing on the sidewalk outside the liquour store. (And no I did not go in to buy gin!) On that note I went to The Bait & Tackle on Wednesday and had a Soda Water! I know, its almost criminal! I thought it best to stay off the alcohol and detox for a bit to help recover from my snotty cold, however I'm beginning to think that maybe the lack of alochol is resulting in delay in my recovery. Perhaps I should get back on the gin and tonic bandwagon! 

For any Bob Dylan fans out there, you should definitely make time to check out this guy, Wyndham Baird. I saw him play live a couple of nights ago at the Jalopy Theatre and I thought he was brilliant; understated awesomeness! 

On Wednesday I got asked by a rather rude and aggressive American if I understood the English Language??!!! I had to bite my tongue as I was talking to the American in question in a professional capacity - but really, what a nincompoop!  

No photos yet I'm afraid, as my time with my camera has been limited, but check out my Instagram page for a few NYC snaps. 

So that's my week summarised! Must dash and but watch this space for NYC snaps and shenanigans!

English Gal in New York x



Last night I fell in love. I visited the concrete jungle where dreams are made and got seduced by the city lights and the yellow cabs, the bridges and the buildings, the sounds and the smells. Each and every time I cross the Brooklyn Bridge or go through the tunnel, I get a rush of excitement upon reaching the other side and seeing Manhattan appear larger than life before my eyes, and at night time it seems even more magical and mysterious.


Back on American Soil!

On Thursday eve, in the thunder, lightening and torrential rain, I landed back on American Soil, yep – the English gal is back in the Big Apple! Apart from the horrendous weather I encountered another slight hiccup which lead me to think that New York wasn’t as pleased to see me as I was to see it – one of my suitcases had been lost and I had to leave the airport with only half of my belongings. This, combined with a long flight, hours of queing and the fact that I was now a long way from home, left me feeling a little emotional.

Yesterday, on Friday 13th, things seemed to redeem themselves; the stormy weather had been replaced with blues skies and in the afternoon I received a call from the airport to say that my luggage had been located and was on its way to me! Phew! I have never had missing luggage before and was preparing myself for the worst, thinking that I would never see my stuff again, so when I heard it had been found I was over the moon!

You’ll be surprised to hear that I have been in New York for a little over 36 hours and I have yet to visit the Bait & Tackle, (I know, its almost criminal!), but don’t worry that will be rectified over the weekend.

As I'm aure you are well aware, today is Saturday 14th September, which can only mean one thing, it is a very special lady’s birthday, my lovely Auntie Liz! Happy Birthday to You!! Love you and miss you lots and lots and lots!