
My First Week Back in NYC

Good Evening Guys and Dolls! (Or good morning as I suspect most of you will be reading this from merry old England).

I apologise for the radio silence but please don't worry, I am still alive (although only just after suffering a flu/cold this past week). 

Anyhow, let me tell you my goings-on during my first week back in The Big Apple.....

So having a cold did bring one benefit - I discovered a new version of a hot toddy and it was delicious! Just what the doctor ordered! I'm not going to disclose the recipe but I will let you know the secret ingredient - Tabasco Sauce! 

Sadly I am no longer writing to you from my beloved 7 year old 17" MAc Book Pro. I grew rather attched to my trusty laptop as it had seen me through Uni, my first job, my first flat and my first leg in NYC, but sadly it has given up the ghost and no doubt would be classed as an antique by the super geeky dudes down at the Apple store. Maybe I should put it on a plinth in a glass jar and call it Art. This evening I am tapping away to you on my new, super chic and shiny MacBook Air. So far, so good!

This week I have discovered, but not partaken in, 'seed bombing'. At first I thought this was a somewhat ridiculous activity, but having seen the result its actually quite sweet. As I understand it, its when you sprinkle seeds around in public place so that flowers/plants grown in random places - a rather eonviromantally friendly form of graffitiit. This evening I discovered a tomato plant growing on the sidewalk outside the liquour store. (And no I did not go in to buy gin!) On that note I went to The Bait & Tackle on Wednesday and had a Soda Water! I know, its almost criminal! I thought it best to stay off the alcohol and detox for a bit to help recover from my snotty cold, however I'm beginning to think that maybe the lack of alochol is resulting in delay in my recovery. Perhaps I should get back on the gin and tonic bandwagon! 

For any Bob Dylan fans out there, you should definitely make time to check out this guy, Wyndham Baird. I saw him play live a couple of nights ago at the Jalopy Theatre and I thought he was brilliant; understated awesomeness! 

On Wednesday I got asked by a rather rude and aggressive American if I understood the English Language??!!! I had to bite my tongue as I was talking to the American in question in a professional capacity - but really, what a nincompoop!  

No photos yet I'm afraid, as my time with my camera has been limited, but check out my Instagram page for a few NYC snaps. 

So that's my week summarised! Must dash and but watch this space for NYC snaps and shenanigans!

English Gal in New York x

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