
From Cider County To The Big Apple - The Exhibition

To all my English peeps that can't make it here's my exhibition in photos. And for all my New York peeps here's what you're missing out on so drop by the Bait & Tackle sharpish!


Happy Birthday to My Bestest Blondie!

It's my bestest gals birthday today! Have an awesome day and we'll celebrate in style next week! x


Girl About Town

Over the weekend I've been putting up my flyers around Red Hook ahead of my exhibition which opens tonight!! (I may have also slide a flyer underneath the doors of my A list neighbours!)  


Master Rogers Is 7 Today!

Happy Birthday to my gorgeous Nephew! See you in August for a huge belated Birthday hug! 


Today I haggled a Jew for a Sidewalk Sandwich Board! (There's something I never thought I'd say!)

And here it is....

It's going to be witty remark a day! There's no stopping me now! 

This remark is dual purpose - apart from me behaving like an old bag from time to time, it also refers to our vintage collection which is made out of up-cycled postal sacks and vintage grain sacks, some of which are over 100 years old. 


Froyo @ Google

Today has been a busy day of Exhibition preparation punctuated at noon by a spot of lunch at Google. And when I say lunch it was of more a banquet! There were so many different options I didn't know where to start. After much deliberation I ended up choosing Red Snapper (one of my favourite fish...to eat that is) with an array of lovely vegetables. It was totally delicious and made even better by the roof top view. I finished with Froyo of the day (black seasame seed), a soy chai latte and a coconut macaroon. The only thing that was missing was a cocktail, but on this occassion it can be forgive due to it being a place of work; although I have been informed that they have 'Thirsty Thursdays' where Google provide beer at the end of the day. I wonder if there are any jobs going at google.......! ;)  

The amazing roof top view.

Me in front of the Froyo truck...yes, they have in indoor Froyo truck! Well, why not?
After my amazing lunch (which I still can't quite get over) and mini tour of the building, (it occupies a whole block, hence mini tour), I ventured off to collect my photos for my exhibition next week.  I decided to walk instead of getting the subway, of which I'm now almost a pro at navigating by the way!  I've been switching trains and helping out tourists like a proper New Yorker! 

If I wasn't a coeliac vegetarian I would have bought a foot long Sub just because of this dude!

You'll be pleased to know that all my photos are now safely in my possession, there maybe a few tweaks before Monday but hopefully I'm on schedule. I'm can't tell you how nervous I am! It's like being at Uni again! 

Here it is....

It would be lovely to see you at my exhibition if you are in the area. But for all my English followers, never fear, I have something in the pipeline... ;) 


'From Cider Country To The Big Apple' - The Exhibition!

I'm sorry I've been MIA few several days. I've had a rather busy schedule of late and found little time to squeeze in a blog post. But never fear, I'm back with some good news! I'm please to announce that I will be doing a solo exhibition of my New York photos in Brooklyn before I return to England! I'm hugely excited! Yay! Although I must contain myself and focus on editing, printing, hanging as time is against me. I'm thrilled about the venue for the exhibition -  it will be taking place at my newly beloved Bait & Tackle! 

Details regarding times/dates will follow very soon so if you're in New York, or fancy a trip across the pond, please come and take a look! 


A Day At The Beach And An Evening At The Park

So yesterday was a jam packed, fun filled, sunny day with surreal moments and lasting memories. Caitlin and I went to Coney Island Beach in the day, and then in the evening I meet up with Catherine and her friends on The Great Lawn in Central Park to watch the Philharmonic Orchestra, (I know, what a sophisticated life I lead!).

A certain blonde haired, blue eyed nephew of mine springs to mind! :) 

Yes, I did go into the water with my camera! A very nerve racking experience! 

Watching 'The Phil' and drinking wine out of mugs! That's how we roll! 

A lovely evening was finished with fireworks! 


News Just In...!

Actually I'm not going to tell you the news until its all confirmed....but watch this space! :) 

Another hot day in NYC and Frank and I have had a bit of a silly afternoon in the workshop...

We're in disguise,  can you tell?!

So I'm on bottle of Gin No.3 since my arrival (well, I did promise Uncle C that I would do some gin research while I was here, so I'm only doing as I'm told!) Today's Gin purchase is bottle from the Hebrides, called The Botanist and it is very lovely indeed!  Just as a side note, whilst  'googling'  The Botanist I also discovered a gin blog: http://www.theginblog.co.uk/home/2011/12/the-botanist-gin/  (this one's for you Jen! :) )

The sun has now sunk well below the horizon; but before I say goodnight I just want to say that right now I can see the Statue of Liberty, The Freedom Tower (World Trade Centre), the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building! They are each lit up and looking magical! 

Night Night xx


Time Zones and Time Alone

For me, the most loneliest time of day is around 6 or 7 o'clock, when all my English friends and family have gone to bed and my New York ones haven't come out to play yet.

Give Me Mercy

Look what I discovered in Fairway.....

If only I had known about this before! I am off to the Bait & Tackle tonight so I have bought a can to give it a go (although of course I will be on diet coke all night! ;) If it proves successful I will be buying it in bulk for myself and my alcoholic friends and family, (you know who you are!).



'Have A Nice Day!"

*Warning - Rant Ahead*

Ok, I have officially got 'Have A Nice Day' fatigue! Americans use it as a conversation closer without even thinking, no matter the situation. They even say it in the evening - how can I have a nice day if the day is almost over? I've actually started being a bit cheeky by saying 'You have a super nice day too' or 'I'll try but it looks like it's gona be a bad one today!' Hehe! 

Ok, rant over, just needed to get that off my chest!  

On a completely different topic entirely, the more observant among you may have noticed that I have  added my Instagram feed to the right-hand side of my blog. My Instagram name is cliftongal01 so feel free to follow me! If you are a 'From Cider Country To The Big Apple' fan then you can subscribe via email (on the RHS too) in order to receive an update when I post a new blog so you don't have to check in all the time and find that I've been spending too much time at the Bait and Tackle and not enough blogging! :) 

It's hot, hot, here again today. Off to the office/store/workshop in a mo, after my Rice Crispies! (I've discovered a gluten free version out here!). I got a bit creative yesterday and did some screen printing as we are making dust bags for the Anglo Bag that's featured in Oprah Magazine.