
'Not all those that wander are lost.'

After a day of feeling rather homesick yesterday, I decided to go out and about to for a day of exploration as its fast becoming my favourite past time in this city. So this morning, armed with both suncream and a brolly, (the weather is rather unpredictable) my camera and I caught the subway into Manhattan.

As I was feeling somewhat in touch with my emotions I decided to visit the 9/11 memorial. I found this experience unexpectedly overwhelming. Although none of my firends or family were killed in the falling of the Twin Towers, being there today almost bought me to tears. I felt so many different emotions,  both about what happened on 9/11 and its aftermath as well as things that have happened in my own life.  On the day the planes hit I remember that my Mum and Step Dad were having a day out and a Fruit-de-Mare in the seaside town of Beer in Devon, and I had got back from school and turned on the TV to see the footage of the attack on every channel. At the time I had no idea of the enormity of what I was watching.

Today, looking into the vast square voids, I felt a huge of sense of loss and remembrance. The never ending list of names around the perimeters of the pools really bought home the scale of what had happened and how many thousands of people had lost their lives or had been affected by this unforgettable and tragic attack. 

The South Pool in the footprint of the South Tower.

After taking some time to watch the water cascade down in to the darkness of the pools, I looked skywards.....and rising tall above the two pools stood the new Freedom Tower, shining from every angle. This immediately provided me with a much needed sense of hope and strength. 

(Unfortunately my lens couldn't get the pool and the full length of the tower in the same shot, so if anyone would like to send me a wide angle lens please feel free!) 

The freedom tower reflecting in another shimmering skyscraper. 

After the memorial I took a stroll back to the subway and decided to head to the Chelsea Market for lunch. It was nice to go back there as when I visited on my birthday I felt a bit rushed so today I made sure I had a leisurely wander. Lunch was yummy - a quinoa & tofu salad (I know most of you are thinking yuk, but it was right up my street!). 

I then ventured up to The High line which is an old elevated railway line that has been turned into a garden and walkway. At this point it started to rain so out came the brolly.

As I didn't have to be anywhere particular at any particular time, I put my map away and just went for a wander.  

I didn't realise I was in the running for this.

I still felt a bit sad so I decided to have some retail therapy followed by a cocktail. I felt a bit closer to home when I saw the flags of one of my favourite and familiar shops - Topshop.  After trying-on session and a small purchase, I strolled to Tiny's for a 'French Hooker'. 

Now I've returned to Red Hook and I'm ready to go to bed and rest my well wandered feet. 

Goodnight. xx 

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