
English Gal Heads to DUMBO...

Wow! Today has been a whooper of a day! I’ve spent the day at the store making keyrings, packing up some of our lovely bags to send to customers, contacting industry peeps, doing marketing bits and bobs, list making (there’s always lots of list making!)  and generally trying to keep cool as we currently have no AC and it is hot hot hot! But never fear the AC unit is en route. Phew!

Today's workshop creation. 

After work I decided to take a walk to Dumbo, an acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass (not a place for bimbos and the mentally challenged as I’m sure some of you were thinking!). Dumbo is a couple of ‘hoods’ away and a bit of a longer walk than I had anticipated. After thinking I was never gona get there, I turned the corner into Brooklyn Bridge Park and this sight greeted me and made the walk worth while…..

After this the view just got better and better…

My jaw was on the floor whilst taking this photo, I couldn't believe how beautiful the view in front of me was.

The sunlight shining on Manhattan Bridge,with the Empire State Building glinting in the background. 


A glimpse of Manhattan Bridge.

Street graffiti. 

Manhattan Bridge. 

It almost says my surname!


I know it sounds cheesy but I still cant believe this is on my doorstep. I keep thinking that its not real and someone has pulled at 2D poster of the Manhattan skyline in front of my eyes. I think it will take a few more weeks before I realise that this view is real! 

On my walk home, (after all this excitement I forgot how far I had to walk to get back to the apartment) the stunning skyline was behind me so I kept turning around to check that it was still there! 

I've finally got home and poured myself a lovely chilled glass of fizz. Cheers!


Long day. Just watching Sex in the City and drinking a decaf soy cappuccino (the soy I frothed myself!) before heading to bed. I will have more for you tomorrow. Time for sleep. ZZzzzzz


Sorry I’ve been absent for a day or so but some of us have had to sail to the Hamptons! ;)

Before you start getting jealous it wasn’t quite as glamorous as it sounds as it rained for most of the trip and typically just when we moored up in the East Hampton Marina at the end of our journey, the sun came out! 

Captain & Deck Hand share a romantic moment!
Stars & Stripes blowing in the wind.

Fi and her baby bundle (yes, Eva is in there somewhere!) 

Blue sky, blue sea. 

And then the rain came...!

Once we eventually found our mooring, (bit of a long story!) we spent an hour mooching around the lovely shops in East Hamptons before jumping in the car to drive back to Brooklyn. 

I've arrived back to the apartment now and on a complete change of tact I want to share a few more of my ‘firsts’ with you:

- Changing a nappy mark two (as in this time it was a no.2! I’ve seen and smelt it all now!)

- First time I’ve heard the word 'schlep' (an American/Jewish word meaning ‘To carry clumsily or with difficulty; lug:’)

- I’ve eaten Tofu spread (trust the Amercians to come up with an easy way of eating tofu). I bought it out of pure curiosity, it tastes ok but not sure I’d put it up there with one of my veggie favourites. (Please note that I have used a ‘u’ in the word favourites, although my spell check is telling me not to! I am still English after all and have the ability to spell properly!).

Off to bed now, sleep tight. xx


Breakfast on the Roof

Its only 9.30am but already I've had a lovely morning. I've spoken to some of my bestest peeps from home, (Big Sis, My Boyfriend, My Jen & My Swedish Gal!) Love you all!

It's a beautiful sunny morning here so I decided to take my bowl of porridge and coffee up on the roof...

Now off to Fairway to get some food for lunch (it's becoming a bit of a morning ritual and yes, I'm still getting lost down the wrong isle!) then heading to the store. Its Memorial Day today so hopefully the sunshine will bring out lots of people. 



Today At 392a Van Brunt St, Brooklyn.

 My mini photo shoot at the store today.....


Our battered yet beautiful door.

Street View

The Wiltshire Carryall: The winner of the Best Green Handbag in the Sixth Annual Independent Handbag 2012

Leather Bracelet with imprinted 'New York' by yours truly.

'Waiting For the Sun' shades

Engine room aka workshop and production office.

Night night x


I'm fast becoming somewhat addicted to Snapple! Its so delicious and refreshing! I've now discovered Snapple 'Half and Half' which is half lemonade and half iced tea. Its a shame they haven't got an alcoholic version! Hehe! Time for experimenting with Snapple cocktails me thinks. 

I've also discovered that there is an interesting fact under each screw top lid. I've decided to start collecting the lids so I can share them with you. 

Here's yesterdays Snapple fact:

Even more exciting is that the Snapple factory is in Red Hook! I'm not sure where though,  I'll try and find it next time I go exploring. 

Today I'm off to the store for another day surrounded by beautiful bags! There's still lots to learn but I'm loving it and meeting lots of people along the way. Yesterday I was experimenting with the branding iron and ended up making some 'Red Hook' bracelets to sell in the store. I will follow up with a photo so you can see my handy work. 

It's blowing a hooley here today but its Memorial Day weekend so hopefully it will bring some visitors to the 'hood'. That's unless they've all gone away to the Hamptons....which coinsidently is where I'm going tomorrow! ;) 


Birthday Boy!

Before I leave for the store I just wanted say a big 'Happy Birthday Darling' to my man back in England! Happy 25th!! xxx


Michael & Michelle

So it turns out I'm living in a pretty cool apartment block. Of course I knew that already but now I've realised I'm rubbing shoulders with A list celebs! I was going to keep this information a secret from you as I felt I should be respectful but I'm too excited and must tell you who I keep bumping into in the lift....

Well, the day before yesterday it was Michael Shannon! You might be saying 'who?' right now but he'll be all over the media pretty soon as he's playing the bad guy in the new Superman movie. Then this morning, on my way down to Fairway, (wearing no make up at all and with frizzy hair) I got into the lift with Michelle Williams! And she smiled at me! For those of you who don't know who she is, she played Jen in Dawsons Creek and has been in lots of movies, notably My Week with Marilyn. 

After my lift sharing with Michelle, I headed to the store where I've had a busy day writing competition entries, doing social media bit and bobs and generally learning the ropes, oh and partaking in Prosecco O'clock! The day was finished off nicely with a meal at the quirky restaurant opposite called Fort Defiance. 

I'm off to bed now with my hot chocolate from England.

Night Night x

P.S. Those of you reading from England will be pleased to know that it is raining again here in NY!


It's been a week already!

I arrived in New York a week ago today and to celebrate this momentous occasion I have had a firework display over the Statue of Liberty...

I might telling a slight porky there but whatever the occasion it was a beautiful sight! My iphone photos really don't do it justice! 


Up on the Roof

I just popped up to the roof after supper, its a lovely warm, still evening and the view's not bad either....

Night Night x x

English Gal Goes Exploring Part ll

So last night I feel asleep without writing my blog! Sorry!

So here’s what I got up to yesterday…..

It was another day of exploring, but this time I explored the local ‘hood’ rather than going into Manhattan. I walked to Park Slope which is home to Propsect Park, Brooklyn’s answer to Central Park. It was a lovely hot sunny day, I even got a bit sun burnt and had to make an emergency visit to the ‘drug store’ to by some sun cream! 

Here's Propsect Park (through my eyes) :

The photos are pre-edit so I apologise as I know they need some slight altering. Oh, and don't go getting any ideas...I'm not planning on becoming a wild life photographer anytime soon! 

After my day spent in Park Slope I decided to get the bus home, another first on American soil. Rather conveniently, once I'd got off the bus, I had to walk passed the local off license (liquor store) to get back to the apartment, and I ended up making friends with the people working there. I was on the look out for a bottle of gin and ended up purchasing this:  

Greenhook Gin, Made in Brooklyn

Once I arrived home, with my bottle of gin in hand, there was a lovely surpise was waiting for me - a gorgeous bouquet of flowers sent to me by one of a my bestest gals from home! Thank you!


English Gal Goes Exploring

Todays blog is going  to be more of a visual experience....

En route to down town Manhattan we drove passed The Freedom Tower (old site of the World Trade Center).
Lunch: A delicious Smoked Trout Salad with a cheeky glass of Champagne - well, why not?

Magnolia Bakery in West Village (or as the locals call it: 'West Vill').

My new favourite (soft) drink and only 10 calories! 

I went on the subway and managed to get on and off at the right stops! Biggest achievement of the day!

An old tram 'parked' outside the apartment building. When I say parked, its actually more of a stationery museum piece. I love the turquoise/green colour with the orange of the rust creeping through. 

Artist studios on the pier outside the apartment. 

Did I mention the apartment has a roof terrace? Well, here's the view! Watch this space for night time shots.