

I'm fast becoming somewhat addicted to Snapple! Its so delicious and refreshing! I've now discovered Snapple 'Half and Half' which is half lemonade and half iced tea. Its a shame they haven't got an alcoholic version! Hehe! Time for experimenting with Snapple cocktails me thinks. 

I've also discovered that there is an interesting fact under each screw top lid. I've decided to start collecting the lids so I can share them with you. 

Here's yesterdays Snapple fact:

Even more exciting is that the Snapple factory is in Red Hook! I'm not sure where though,  I'll try and find it next time I go exploring. 

Today I'm off to the store for another day surrounded by beautiful bags! There's still lots to learn but I'm loving it and meeting lots of people along the way. Yesterday I was experimenting with the branding iron and ended up making some 'Red Hook' bracelets to sell in the store. I will follow up with a photo so you can see my handy work. 

It's blowing a hooley here today but its Memorial Day weekend so hopefully it will bring some visitors to the 'hood'. That's unless they've all gone away to the Hamptons....which coinsidently is where I'm going tomorrow! ;) 

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