
Sorry I’ve been absent for a day or so but some of us have had to sail to the Hamptons! ;)

Before you start getting jealous it wasn’t quite as glamorous as it sounds as it rained for most of the trip and typically just when we moored up in the East Hampton Marina at the end of our journey, the sun came out! 

Captain & Deck Hand share a romantic moment!
Stars & Stripes blowing in the wind.

Fi and her baby bundle (yes, Eva is in there somewhere!) 

Blue sky, blue sea. 

And then the rain came...!

Once we eventually found our mooring, (bit of a long story!) we spent an hour mooching around the lovely shops in East Hamptons before jumping in the car to drive back to Brooklyn. 

I've arrived back to the apartment now and on a complete change of tact I want to share a few more of my ‘firsts’ with you:

- Changing a nappy mark two (as in this time it was a no.2! I’ve seen and smelt it all now!)

- First time I’ve heard the word 'schlep' (an American/Jewish word meaning ‘To carry clumsily or with difficulty; lug:’)

- I’ve eaten Tofu spread (trust the Amercians to come up with an easy way of eating tofu). I bought it out of pure curiosity, it tastes ok but not sure I’d put it up there with one of my veggie favourites. (Please note that I have used a ‘u’ in the word favourites, although my spell check is telling me not to! I am still English after all and have the ability to spell properly!).

Off to bed now, sleep tight. xx

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