
Cupcakes & Foxes

Yesterday I got another freebie from the coffee shop up the road, this time is was cute cupcake. They gave it to me as an early birthday present but I didn't have the heart to say that I was a ceoliaic as it was such a lovely gesture. Instead gave it to Frank when I got back to the workshop and he was delighted. 

Coconut Cupcake

We've just got our very first intern at work, a girl called Caitlin. She also works part time at a restaurant just down the road called The Good Fork, so after work yesterday I swang by to say hi.  Two French 75's later, my arm was twisted and I ended up staying for food and another cocktail (or two).  Caitlin finished early so she joined me and we sat outside in their beautiful, fairy light and vine tree laden garden. The food was delicious and it was lovely warm evening.

Caitlin was horrified to hear that I hadn't ventured to any of the local dive bars yet, so after finishing our meal we walked up the road to one of the local hang-outs called The Ice House. Upon entering I immediately understood why it was called a dive bar, it was really dark with loud music and sticky floors, and the clientele were tattooed, larger drinking 30-somethings. Needless to say I felt slightly out of place in my pencil skirt and pearls! None-the-less it was kinda fun and they served a good G&T. Some random people came over and started talking to us when we went out to the beer garden. I wasn't really up for divulging any personal information, especially to this motley crew, so I put on my best American accent, gave a fake name and said I worked in finance. After a slightly funny look from Caitlin she quickly cottoned on and elaborated saying that we were both associates at Goldman Sachs, to which the guy replied 'What's that...a car dealership?'. Oh dear! We swiftly finished our drinks and left table. We then ventured next door to another dive bar called Bait & Tackle, (it was quite literally out one door and in the next). This place had a bit more...er......erm....charm(?) but it was still a dive bar all the same. It was filled to the brim with stuffed animals, everything from bears to fish, and there was even a fox that starred across at you form the other side of the bar. 

Mr Fox.

After another G&T I was ready for my bed, but its safe to say that I had a rather surreal but fun first night out in Red Hook! 


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