
Roof Top Writing

So I've found myself on the roof again....with a gin in hand! I really like it up here, the view is 'awesome' and hardly anyone comes up here (god knows why??!). I think the Statue of Liberty could be my new drinking partner! Dont worry I'm not going completely crazy, I have meet some real people too! Ive been invited out for drinks this week actually. Some 'kids' (apparently anyone under the age of 30 is classed as a kid), came into the shop today and we got chatting and we're are hooking up for drinks at Sunnys! Its easy to strike up conversation with practically anyone with my accent as its always a talking point, half the time its because they think I'm Australian and I have to correct them. 

It's rather windy up here, my hair is blowing everywhere so I can barely see what I'm writing. I've decided to indulge in some self portraits so you can see what I mean....




The Statue of Liberty is looking somewhat spiritual right now, I feel like a miracle is about to take place.....

I haven't photo-shopped this I promise! 

It's getting a bit darker now and the lights are gradually coming on across the Manhattan skyline. Tomorrow I have the day off so more exploring for the English Gal. Watch this space for photos. 

'Empire State of Mind' has just come on on my itunes (which is on shuffle), very apt, maybe that's my little miracle. 


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