
Punks, Cowboys and Action Heros.

So today I ventured into the city again and best of all I got to Skype with my beautiful sister on Time Square! 

After arriving in Manhattan, following a rather packed subway journey reminiscent of sardines in a tin, I made my way to The Met to see the Punk Exhibition - 'Chaos to Couture'. It was great and really interesting as it featured a lot of British history, artists, designers and musicians. Although, I must say that nothing will compare to the Alexander McQueen exhibition I saw at the Met in 2011. 

Following my morning at the Met I had a mooch around Lexington and Madison. I went the Nespresso's boutique-esque coffee store to top up on pods for the coffee machine at the apartment! I know darh-ling!

An iced coffee and a half and half Snapple later I was ready to do a cheeky bit of shopping on 5th! I lost an hour of my life in the pumping, pitch black abyss that is Abercrombie & Fitch. I'm kinda feeling that I'm getting to old for this kind of shopping experience. The music was way too loud and it was so dark that I could barely see what I was trying on. Yes, I'm sounding like an old woman, definitely too old for Abercormbie. I also went to Nike Town and bought a few bits for running, (Jen and Tarran, I wish you could have been there!). 

Time Square was next on the agenda - its funny, in no way do I feel like a tourist but for some reason I had to go there again and get it out of my system. I also met a few characters whilst there...

I'm sorry but I just had to!

A surreal but true sighting. 

I don't think the one of the right liked me very much!

Oh and somewhere along the way I popped into Magnolia Bakery on 6th to take photos of the cupcakes like a tourist....

Pretty little things. 

With sore feet and an empty Snapple bottle I decided to find a subway and head home, (not so sardine like this time).

The magical skyline of Manhattan as I got off the F train in Brooklyn.
I took a few more photos as walked home from the Station to Red Hook....

One of my new locals, so local in fact that the guy that works there comes over to the store to use our loo when there's a que! That reminds me, he owes me a cocktail!

The truck outside Sunny's and it's furry passengers. 

Now having had my customary G&T (or two), I am now retiring to bed. Night night x 

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