
English Gal Goes To Manhattan

I think the weather is having a bit of a personality crisis! After nearly dying of heat exhaustion yesterday, this morning I nearly drowned on the way to the subway as it absolutely tipped is down, torrential style! Brogues were the order of the day, sturdy shoes for my long day of exploration. Luckily by the time I got off the tube in Manhattan the rain had stopped but sky still remained a dubious shade of grey (not 50 shades!). On the plus side I was greeted at the subway exit by a Starbucks guy giving out free iced coffee! My prayers were answered!


'Love' near the subway exit.
After I’d had a wonder down 5th Ave and a second iced coffee (despite the grey skies, it was still very warm), I decided to walk to Grand Central Station to have lunch at the Oyster Bar as I enjoyed it so much last time I was in NY. This turned out to be a very fun and entertaining experience! I ordered green lip mussels to start and Bronizini (rather like Sea Bass) for main, along with a glass of champers as a treat. Upon ordering, the waiter asked if I would like the French Champagne (er…what other kind of champagne is there?!). Next the waiter asked if I would like a bib to wear whilst eating my lunch, I found this hilarious and thought they were joking, but no, no they were quite serious! I ended up crying with laughter at the thought of wearing a bib (especially a my new flat mate is a 2 month old baby), meanwhile the waiter had walked over and tied one around my neck! I found this so funny a photo had to be taken...

The waiters gave me 5 more bibs to take home as a memento! I finished my lunch and had a wondered around Grand Central Station; its such a beautiful building. 

After a bit (ok, a lot) more walking, a few random conversations with random people, some shopping and my third iced coffee, I found myself in the East Village, which I was midway exploring when the heavens opened again. As I was close to the subway I decided to head home, plus I my feet couldn't handle anymore walking!

A pretty mosaic lamppost in East Village. 

Tomorrow I’m heading back into the city to check out a few exhibitions, and maybe a wonder around Central Park if its not raining! 


  1. Honey I hate to be the one to tell you this but you seem to be the only one wearing a bib in the restaurant!

    1. Actually Honey, I was a pioneer of the bib wearing craze! Once I had mine on the ladies sat next to meet and another 2 tables across from me asked for one and also asked the waiter to take a picture of them in it! So there! Hehe! ;) xx
